Thursday, July 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom

Well 7/7 was Mom's birthday and we went out in the boat earlier in the week and then for her birthday dinner we went to a steak house and had a nice dinner all together!! I was glad that I got to stay home for Mom's birthday and Dad and Garrett's are coming up soon too! Garrett will turn 22 on the 18th of July and Dad's birthday is the 28th!! Happy Birthday everyone... Love you whole bunches and glad that I got to come visit!!

Ethan Earl Phillips

Well Baby Ethan finally decided to come while I was at home and I got to see a lot more of him coming into this world than I think I needed to see but I am glad that I was able to be there for Jen and it was probably good for me...
He was born 7/7/09 which is my mom's birthday, his mom and dad's anniversary and now his birthday! He was born and 3:49 am and was 8 lbs 12 oz and 20.5 inches long. He is soo cute and looks like an identical twin of his older sister Ava!!
Glad to have you in the family Ethan!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

WashinGton SuMmerS

I got a new camera yesterday so I played with it and loved a few of these pictures... Washington sure is pretty just wish it was warmer more often and that Daren and I could find some work up here!!