Thursday, April 1, 2010

Ka$h is 4 Months Old ~*~

Ka$h helping mom feed the animals in the morning
she loves her pony rattle... and that sucky... lol

this is what I found when I walked into the house yesterday after work!!
They are SOOOO alike it is scary!

Grammy and Poppa sent her some easter gifts and these sweet shades were in there! She actually likes, or I should say doesnt dislike having them on! ToOo cute!

The crown came from Gammy and Poppa too

She will hold her own bottle on occasion when she get a bottle lol

happy little chubs! She is definately a morning person!

She has the most blue eyes I think I have ever seen!

And her crazy hair just keeps getting longer!!

She is ALWAYS happy... well 98% of the time she is!

Ka$h chillin at the office with mom
Kash went to the Dr this week and she is 4 months old, weighs 12 lbs 2 oz and is 24.5 inches long! She is talking and growling and yelling up a storm. She can roll from her back to her side, and her belly to her back. She wants to crawl so bad, but isnt quite strong enough yet. She is growing perfectly they say, however we have noticed that she seems to have a little scoliosis already, which I expected since mine is so bad, so I have been watching for it really closely. She goes to the orthopedic specialist on the 8th of April and we will see what he has to say about it. Other than that Daren and I haven't been up to a whole lot these last few weeks. Just trying to work in the yard when we have a spare minute or two, i have been out of town every weekend at the college rodeos, and Daren bought a new truck to drive to and from work. We sold a horse, but had bought a new one 2 months ago, so we still have too many... LOL But the new one I got is already running barrels and placing in the money so She might be a keeper LOL We are planning on trying to do something fun for easter this weekend since we finally have a weekend at home, and I am going to try to take Ka$h tomorrow or Saturday to get easter bunny pictures.
Untill next week or so that is it from the NM Albrechts!