Friday, December 11, 2009

2 week Dr. Visit & Santa !!

Well Kash was 2 weeks old yesterday!! We went to the Dr. this morning and he was very happy with her and thought that she was right on track developmentally and phsically. She is now 6 pounds and 6 ounces and is 20 inches long!! Also today she got to go see santa but I was so disappointed that she wouldn't wake up for the picture but it is still cute anyways!! She is such a good baby and is still sleeping all night except when it is time to eat and she is finally starting to wake up on her own most of the time to eat!! She can pick her head up and hold it up on her own now... she doesnt like to be naked and doesn't like her dad to change her diaper or clothes... She loves to cuddle with her dad when he gets home from work and they usually fall asleep on the recliner together! We are really enjoying her and are really blessed to have her in our lives now!!

1 comment:

  1. That is such a good picture, and what a great looking santa clause too. He looks so real! I am glad to hear that she is growing great, and that she is such a great sleeper...Boy she sounds like she sure is spoiling you guys. I hope our little girl will be a sweetheart like her mommy and not a brat like her daddy ;} JK. Hope you guys are doing good...Are you going to bless her? Rusty and I were wondering when??? And if you would bless her down there? Let us know. Love you guys. Merry Christmas! Hey I finally posted a belly picture so enjoy!
