Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Albrecht Update

Well if anyone even looks at this anymore i am going to try and be more consistant in posting our happenings.

Darens Turkey he killed in the Ruidoso Area

I LOVE this picture of Kash and I. not sure why just do

At the El Paso zoo


Helping mom with the yard

Redneck drinking fountain

Talking on the phone

Miss Secret Win 4/8/11

Miss Secret Win 4/9/11

Miss Secret Win 4/10/11


  1. She is a DOLL!!! :) Cracked me up seeing her knawing on a horseshoe!!! Hope you guys are doing well!!!

  2. Looks like some good ol' goble goble time!!! Hope all is going okay! I swear your daughter will fall asleep anywhere...and I also LOVe that picture of you and cash. The one at the zoo looks like Kash is doing a model pose!!! LOL. Miss ya!

  3. 'KASH' Sorry, I know how to spell her name...People Spell Lindi's all sorts of different ways.
